§ 78-66. Restrictive vehicles in excess of weight and length limitations required to use truck routes; exceptions.
All motor vehicles having a gross weight in excess of 36,000 pounds, including the load thereon, or having an overall length in the excess of 30 feet, except vehicles designated as to carry passengers, are prohibited from using streets within the unincorporated areas of the county, except those streets authorized by this article as truck routes, including any amendments hereof, or as may be further designated by the governing authority as truck routes, except when:
The terminal, parking lot, repair garage, or headquarters of the restricted motor vehicle is not a designated truck route, ingress to and egress from those places shall be made by the most direct route available between the terminal, parking lot, repair garage or headquarters and nearest designated truck route;
A delivery or pickup is to be made at a location which is not on a designated truck route, and not within any areas bounded by certain specified streets that the county prohibits normal truck traffic because of congestion, ingress to and egress from that location shall be made by the most direct route available between that location and the nearest designated truck route;
A delivery or pickup is to be made by a truck tractor, road tractor, combination road tractor-trailer within any areas which is not on a designated truck route, and not within any areas bounded by certain specified streets that the county prohibits normal truck traffic because of congestion, such delivery or pickup shall not be made between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
(Ord. No. 98-1059, 8-5-98)