§ 62-76. Construction specifications.
For the construction of curb cuts, all types of curbs shall be cut to the edge of the pavement. No driveways shall be constructed over any type of curb. In no case shall any obstruction or material be placed in the gutter for use as a ramp, whether the cut be of a permanent or temporary type.
The angle of intersection of the axis of the driveway and the street shall not be less than 30 degrees.
Curb cuts shall be constructed with a five-foot flare as measured along the curbline of the street. The elevation of the pavement of the curb cut at the right-of-way line shall be four inches higher than the top of the curb, and the stub shall be on a uniform grade to the gutter line. If there is a paved sidewalk in place, the walkway shall be adjusted to meet the grade of the curb cut. The curb cut flares at the curbline shall be raised and contoured to blend smoothly into the street curb. All curb cut stubs shall be paved back at least as far as the right-of-way line to protect the street pavement. The pavement shall be of a rough or grainy surface for the safety of pedestrians.
The curb cut stub from the street pavement to the right-of-way line shall be either:
A minimum of six inches in depth of 3,000 psi concrete;
Six inches of crusher run base and one inch of plant mix asphalt topping; and
Six inches of black base and one inch of plant mix asphalt topping.
Whenever there is a public sidewalk adjacent to property upon which there is a proposed business establishment that will provide parking or drive-in service of any type, there shall be installed upon the property a curb not less than six inches high and six inches wide, located so as to prevent driving or stopping on the sidewalk by vehicles, and such that no part of a parked vehicle shall extend beyond the right-of-way line.
Equipment and construction shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the right-of-way line. All equipment and construction shall be located so that no vehicle will be parked on the sidewalk or street at any time while being serviced.
(Code 1983, § 28-2-44)