§ 34-743. Maintenance of property.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Required. Every person owning or occupying public or private property in unincorporated Fulton County shall maintain the property free of any condition which may render the premises or property to be unhealthy, unsanitary, unsightly or unaesthetic to the occupants thereof, the neighborhood or the community at large.


    Conditions in violation. Because they are deemed to be conducive to breeding or harboring of harmful germs or to the breeding or harboring of insects, snakes, rodents, lizards or similar or undesirable living pests and carriers of harmful germs or poisons or to the harboring of undesirable persons or illicit activities and are in violation of the general public health, safety, welfare and well-being, the existence of any one of the following conditions on property within unincorporated Fulton County shall be a violation of this section and this article:


    Uncontainerized garbage or uncovered garbage containers of all kinds and types.


    Trapped litter or any other improperly containerized solid waste.


    Exterior storage of junk or other unsightly materials.


    The existence of weeds and vegetative overgrowth.


    The existence, storage or accumulation of garbage, hazardous, putrescible solid waste or rubbish.

(Ord. No. 98-0379, 3-4-98)