§ 34-511. Area requirements.
Individual lot. The minimum lot size required for considering approval of installation of an onsite sewage management system serving a single residence shall be 43,560 square feet (one acre) of usable area and shall accommodate the initial system and the reserve area. The reserve area shall remain undisturbed, available for future repair, shall not conflict with applicable zoning requirements and shall not be used to accommodate any other construction (aboveground or underground) precluding its use or availability in the event of initial-system failure. Development on individual lots with less than 43,560 square feet of usable area shall be restricted to those served by public or community sewerage systems.
Exemption plat. The minimum lot size required for considering approval of installation of an onsite sewage management system under the exemption plat process shall be 43,560 square feet (one acre) of usable area and shall accommodate the initial system and the reserve area. The reserve area shall remain undisturbed, available for future repair, shall not conflict with applicable zoning requirements and shall not be used to accommodate any other construction (aboveground or underground) precluding its use or availability in the event of initial-system failure. Development on lots on an exemption plat with less than 43,560 square feet of usable area shall be restricted to those served by public or community sewerage systems.
Commercial development. The minimum area onsite required for installation of an onsite sewage management system in a commercial development shall be that required for the initial system plus reserve area. The reserve area shall remain undisturbed, shall be available for future repair, shall not conflict with applicable zoning requirements and shall not be used to accommodate any other construction (aboveground or underground) precluding its use or availability in the event of initial system failure.
Residential development. The minimum lot size required for considering approval of an onsite management system in a residential development shall be 43,560 square feet (one acre) of usable area, except that if a public or community sewerage system will be located at the development within ten years after initial construction, as documented by the appropriate governmental jurisdiction, the minimum lot size may be 30,000 square feet of usable area. Adverse conditions onsite shall negate reduced lot size considerations and/or result in denial of a permit. In residential developments where onsite sewage management systems are proposed, no lot may be less than minimum size. Each lot approved for installation of an onsite sewage management system shall include the area required for the initial system and the reserve area. The reserve area shall remain undisturbed, available for future repair, shall not conflict with applicable zoning requirements and shall not be used to accommodate any other construction (aboveground or underground) precluding its use or availability.
(Res. of 9-7-88(3), § 30-2-7-6)