§ 8.2. Streets.
All streets, public or private, shall be constructed to the construction standards of the Fulton County Department of Public Works.
The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and location of all streets shall consider their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, and appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. (Amended 9-2-15)
Streets serving residential subdivisions shall be arranged and designed such that their use for through traffic will be discouraged.
Where a subdivision contains a dead-end street or stub-street other than a cul-de-sac, the subdivider shall provide a temporary cul-de-sac within the right-of-way. Where a temporary cul-de-sac is required, the subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining and for the construction of the final street connection or turn-around as required.
Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed street classified as a collector street or higher, the director may require frontage streets. Double frontage lots may be required to have screening and no access easements along lot lines fronting on arterials or collector streets. Deep lots with rear service drives, or other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties, may be required to afford separation of through and local traffic.
Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way, or a full or partial access control facility right-of-way, the director may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of the right-of-way.
Street right-of-way widths for major streets shall be dedicated as specified in the County Comprehensive Transportation Plan and the Right-of-Way Dedication and Reservation Plan. Other street right-of-way widths shall be not less than as specified under Section 8.5.
Where a subdivision abuts an existing street, the subdivider shall dedicate additional right-of-way on the existing streets to meet the requirements as set forth in the Right-of-Way Dedication and Reservation Plan.
New road grades should be as follows:
Collector: Eight percent maximum.
Major subdivision street: 12 percent maximum.
Minor subdivision street: 14 percent maximum; grades exceeding 12 percent shall not exceed a length of 250 feet.
Interparcel access shall be provided to adjacent properties upon determination by the director that such access is in the best interest of the public health, safety, or welfare. In residential subdivisions, where private streets are proposed, the director may require a public street for interparcel connection purposes; the director may also require a shared access.
Minimum vertical. All local roads with 25 mph designs shall be connected by vertical crest curves of a minimum length not less than 12 times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per hundred. All local roads with a 25 mph design speed shall be connected by vertical sag curves of minimum length not less than 26 times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per hundred. In any case, the sight distance shall meet the minimum requirements of this article.
In proposed approaches of new streets to intersections with existing streets, there shall be a suitable leveling of the street at a grade not exceeding three percent and for a distance of not less than 50 feet as measured from the back of the curb of the intersecting street.
In approaches to intersections internal to residential subdivisions, there shall be a suitable leveling of the street at a grade not exceeding five percent and for a distance of not less than 50 feet as measured from the center point of the intersection.
Minimum horizontal—Radii of centerline curvature.
Major subdivision street designed for 35 mph: 200 feet.
Other major subdivision streets: 100 feet.
Minor subdivision streets: 100 feet.
Tangents. Between reverse curves, there shall be not less than the following minimum tangents:
Major subdivision streets designed for 35 mph: 100 feet.
Other major subdivision streets: 50 feet.
Minor subdivision streets (where there is no super-elevation): 50 feet.
Intersection visibility requirements. Roadways and their intersections shall be designed such that proper sight distance is maintained. Minimum sight distance shall be determined by the operating speed of the road as determined by the department of public works. Intersection sight distance shall be no less than the following:
280 feet for 25 mph
335 feet for 30 mph
390 feet for 35 mph
445 feet for 40 mph
500 feet for 45 mph
610 feet for 55 mph
Minimum horizontal visibility shall be measured on centerline.
When a proposed curb cut intersects an existing roadway, the minimum visibility shall be provided as follows:
When measuring in the horizontal plane, intersection sight distance is determined with the following assumptions. The driver's eye location is to be assumed at the center line of the exiting lane of the proposed curb cut behind the stop bar. The object location is to be assumed at the centerline of the closest oncoming lane for each direction.
When measuring in the vertical plane, intersection sight distance is determined with an assumed height of driver's eye and an assumed height of object of 3.5 feet.
When measuring in either plane, the line of sight must remain in the proposed dedicated right-of-way, unless sufficient easements, maintenance agreements, indemnifications agreements are provided, or additional right-of-way is dedicated.
Stopping sight distance visibility requirements. Roadways and their intersections shall be designed such that proper stopping sight distance is maintained. Minimum sight distance shall be determined by the design speed of the proposed road as determined by the department of public works.
Stopping sight distance along a roadway shall be no less than the following:
155 feet for 25 mph
200 feet for 30 mph
250 feet for 35 mph
Minimum vertical visibility for stopping sight distance along the roadway shall be determined by measuring between two points of which the height of the driver's eye shall be assumed at 3.5 feet to an assumed object which is 2.0 feet in height. The line of sight must remain within the proposed dedicated right-of-way, unless sufficient easements, maintenance agreements, and indemnification agreements are provided, or additional right-of-way is dedicated.
Minimum horizontal visibility for stopping sight distance shall be measured on centerline.
Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as possible, and no intersection shall be at an angle less than 80 degrees. Detailed designs of intersections shall be required to include all striping and pedestrian crosswalks.
Pedestrian crossing signs and signals may be required
The curb line radius at street intersections shall parallel the right-of-way radius.
Right-of-way radius. The right-of-way radius at street intersections shall be at least 20 feet, and where the angle of intersection is less than 90 degrees, the department of public works may require a greater radius.
The centerline offsets on streets internal to a residential subdivision shall not be less than 200 feet. The centerline offsets for all other streets and curb cuts providing access to developments shall not be less than 300 feet, except greater centerline offsets may be required by the director.
Cul-de-sac streets shall be designed so that the maximum desirable length shall be 600 feet.